Lean Story Canvas
Everyday Hero Everyday Hero

Ordinary World Ordinary World

Better World Better World

Compelling Villain Compelling Villain

Call to Adventure Call to Adventure

Crossing the Threshold Crossing the Threshold

Three Challenges Three Challenges

Three difficult but confidence-building hurdles to be overcome

Allies and Gifts Allies and Gifts

Mentors and Gifts Mentors and Gifts


Everyday heroes. Everyday heroes.

Ordinary world. Ordinary world.

Compelling villain. Compelling villain.

Call to adventure. Call to adventure.

Crossing the threshold. Crossing the threshold.

Mentor, allies and gifts. Mentor, allies and gifts.

Challenge. Challenge.

Challenge. Challenge.

Challenge. Challenge.

Better world. Better world.

Visual Storyboard

Everyday heroes.

Ordinary world.

Compelling villain.

Call to adventure.

Crossing the threshold.

Mentor, allies and gifts.




Better world.

Story Insight

Story Insight
