A cross-continental, Latin American, feminist alliance who campaign against gender-based violence. The story of a grassroots movement with huge success in influencing policy change. Unique in its ability to mobilise a diverse membership.

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Everyday Hero Everyday Hero

The group or individual to be inspired to do things differently

Latinx women, feminised bodies, gender non-conforming and transgender people. Hopeful people passionate about equality and rights. Individuals who want to make change but often feel isolated and ineffective without a support network. They are seeking a space to belong and effectively make change.

Ordinary World Ordinary World

The everyday world which is increasingly frustrating for our hero to live in

The overwhelming machista cis-heteropatriarchal state which fails to improve conditions for women. Femicide kills 137 women a day.

Better World Better World

The positive change to the hero and the difference the hero has made

Members get to see the tangible impacts of their efforts as well as finding belonging with the collective. They inspire others to join the action. Key protective legislations are passed and change is felt e.g. the 2020 legalisation of abortion in Argentina. A culture in which gender-based violence is not tolerated, normalised or unpunished. A safe, prosperous and equal society.

Compelling Villain Compelling Villain

An attention-grabbing manifestation of the selfish behaviour that stands in the way of change

Complicit tolerance of gender-based violence within parts of society leads to a shared feeling of defeatism when efforts are made to stop it but change is prohibited. Making tangible change is difficult and can feel like a drop in the ocean.

Call to Adventure Call to Adventure

The trigger to change which could be the pull of inspiration or the push of necessity

Ni Una Menos is a collective cry and loving password that travels worldwide. “If you touch one of us, you touch all of us.” Remembering means fighting.

Crossing the Threshold Crossing the Threshold

The first step and point of no return

From awareness to action - participating actively in local networks, assemblies and modes of protest, both online and offline, with Ni Una Menos.

Three Challenges Three Challenges

Three difficult but confidence-building hurdles to be overcome

  1. How can I access a support network and find belonging? Ni Una Menos is an inclusive and encouraging collective.
  2. How can I impact (local) change? Ni Una Menos organise local and global actions, together making tangible change.
  3. How will my quality of life improve as a member? Ni Una Menos provides personal support as well as fighting for physical safety, health and education (legislative) change globally.

Allies and Gifts Allies and Gifts

The people and help that is needed for change to happen

Members of the collective. Advocates who provide awareness, political pressure and resources to the local community and feature #NiUnaMenos.

Mentors and Gifts Mentors and Gifts

Giver of wisdom and support

Ni Una Menos: A global network with political friendship and collective intelligence pushing for systems change. They provide resources such as legislative advice, means of survival (food banks, access to healthcare) and encouragement. Local Ni Una Menos Organisers: Local groups fighting local issues and uniting to fight global causes.


Hopefuls seeking collective change

Everyday heroes. Everyday heroes.

Oppressive machista state

Ordinary world. Ordinary world.

Complicity disheartens potential activists

Compelling villain. Compelling villain.

A Collective Scream

Call to adventure. Call to adventure.

Observation to Participation

Crossing the threshold. Crossing the threshold.

Ni Una Menos

Mentor, allies and gifts. Mentor, allies and gifts.

Safe Belonging

Challenge. Challenge.

Tangible Impact

Challenge. Challenge.

Quality of Life

Challenge. Challenge.

Safe and thriving society

Better world. Better world.

Visual Storyboard

Everyday heroes.

Ordinary world.

Compelling villain.

Call to adventure.

Crossing the threshold.

Mentor, allies and gifts.




Better world.

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Story Insight

Story Insight

The collective use a compelling villain; gender-based violence, to align together, stronger as one without the narcissism of small differences deterring progress. Ni Una Menos relies on mentors and honour to install the lessons learnt from the past into the present, making the group a more successful ‘collective scream’ against machista violence.


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