The tribe of rebels from all walks of life, united in stopping the extinction of our species. Using nonviolent civil disobedience to grab attention and compel government action to avoid the risk of ecological collapse.

Lean Story Canvas
Everyday Hero Everyday Hero

The group or individual to be inspired to do things differently

From many different backgrounds and professions but united in the admirable and relatable cause of rebelling and campaigning for the future lives of their children.

Ordinary World Ordinary World

The everyday world which is increasingly frustrating for our hero to live in

Climate movement is credibly established as mainstream but still not enough political action and still people who deny that climate breakdown is a priority of humanity.

Better World Better World

The positive change to the hero and the difference the hero has made

A tipping point of public pressure that forces the Government and businesses to act boldly to prevent extinction.

Compelling Villain Compelling Villain

An attention-grabbing manifestation of the selfish behaviour that stands in the way of change

Mass extinction, extinction of the planet, extinction of people, extinction of animals... Extinction of the world as we know it.

Call to Adventure Call to Adventure

The trigger to change which could be the pull of inspiration or the push of necessity

It is now or never. We are running out of time to make a real impact.

Crossing the Threshold Crossing the Threshold

The first step and point of no return

XR is a diverse movement which welcomes everybody to unite for the planet.

Three Challenges Three Challenges

Three difficult but confidence-building hurdles to be overcome

  1. For politicians and corporations to tell the truth. Be transparent about where they are and where they will help. Cut through fake news.
  2. For governments to pledge to Carbon Net Zero by 2025.
  3. For change to be made throughout the ubiquitous everyday not just in politics.

Allies and Gifts Allies and Gifts

The people and help that is needed for change to happen

Power of successful grassroots action e.g. Fridays for Future (school climate strikers), Sunrise Movement, etc.

Mentors and Gifts Mentors and Gifts

Giver of wisdom and support

Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough.


Saviours of our children’s children

Everyday heroes. Everyday heroes.

Political inaction

Ordinary world. Ordinary world.

The Extinction of everything

Compelling villain. Compelling villain.

Now or never

Call to adventure. Call to adventure.

Accept the invitation

Crossing the threshold. Crossing the threshold.

Climate narrators

Mentor, allies and gifts. Mentor, allies and gifts.

Tell the truth

Challenge. Challenge.

Pledge net zero 2025

Challenge. Challenge.

Everyday Change

Challenge. Challenge.

prevent extinction

Better world. Better world.

Visual Storyboard

Everyday heroes.

Ordinary world.

Compelling villain.

Call to adventure.

Crossing the threshold.

Mentor, allies and gifts.




Better world.

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Story Insight

Story Insight

Extinction Rebellion uses a universal compelling villain that no human on earth can ignore: extinction. Their call to adventure is one that belongs to every human on earth: survival. This is a story that the heroes cannot detach themselves from, as it is consistent with human beings desire to survive and thrive.


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